Bird’s Eye View

The school boundary walls are covered by boards in which teachers put up colorful charts and information on a wide variety of topics. This is done every month to make sure children read the boards before the Bird’s eye view is done. This activity can...

Election Day

Every year JPS (Junior) children elect House Captains and Vice-Captain from class V and VI. The Head Girl and Head Boy are selected by teachers. It was a cut throat competition among 16 candidates of grade V and VI. The votes were cast on the...

Children’s Day

This day was celebrated enthusiastically and with fervor by the children.   Speeches, skits and songs were presented showing the importance of this day. Children also enjoyed playing at various game stalls set up by the teachers. The students made colourful goody bags for the...

Sports Day

Annual Sports Days were held in February/March in the school premises. Each grade performed on a separate day. The whole school playground and boundary was decorated color fully. The enthusiasm and energy was pulsating and discipline was exceptional. The program started with recitation and translation...

Founder’s Day Celebration

Jaffar Public School’s 33rd birthday was celebrated with enthusiasm and high spirits by the J.P.S Junior students and teachers. The school was decorated beautifully with colourful handmade flowers and artwork made by the by the students. Children performed short skits’, read out poems, written by...

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

World Ozone Day is celebrated on September 16th of every year. This day we spread awareness about ozone depletion. Holes in the ozone layer are caused due to pollution. Planting trees protects the environment and the ozone layer. Awareness videos were shown to all the...


Story telling is a major monthly event. It is conducted with great enthusiasm, and elaborate preparations are made in the form of life like set up of scenes from the story, role play by students, teachers’ presentations (enactment and storytelling) and discussions. The stories of...


Grandparents play a very important role in our lives. We should always respect and take good care of them. On this very special day teachers enacted a role play. It was a fun filled session for the students. Later they made cards in the art...


Universal Children’s Day was marked with full joy, fun and frolic. It was enjoyed by playing games and having fun on the jumping castle. Children also enjoyed a funny midget puppet show put up by their teachers.


The weekly morning assembly presentations provided students a platform to face an audience. Our students have now lost their stage fright and are on their way to become confident and fluent speakers. The assembly presentations impart general knowledge of a variety of aspects from environment,...


Beauties of winter season was explored by the students through learning about winter weather and weather forecast. They were introduced to variety of winter wonders to discover such as the winter clothes, winter fruits, hot beverages and winter sports. Winter is the time of pleasant...


The much looked forward to gala event of the year was our sports week on the theme “Hum aik hain” was held in December for KG I, KG II, class I and II. Preparations went on at hectic pace with students practicing for the sports...